New, Free Forum for Hardware Engineers on!

Spire Starter’s project, the hardware engineering community, Odd Engineer is adding on a new forum! Engineers and those in search of freelance hardware engineers can now even more freely reach out for assistance from each other.
On the forum you’ll be able to:
- 🦆ask discipline-specific questions about your hardware development
- 🦆ask engineering career/freelancing/business advice
- 🦆tell people about the $% commissions you’ll send if they refer you to new engineering clients
- 🦆ask for referrals to specific talent and vendors you weren’t able to find on the directory on
- 🦆Share your *Directly HW engineering related* products/services (but if you’re selling general products/services for business owners, that will be considered SPAM)
- 🦆Get feedback on your resume/new venture/website/product development
- 🦆Expand your network of HW engineers
- 🦆and more!
It officially launches during the Meetup where we’ll go over all the features together online on December 15, 2022 at 10AM Pacific.
Come to the Online Meetup to Learn About the Forum!

Save your spot at this specific meetup event by registering here. The meetup group can be found at:
To build your profile and snoop around the forum before December 15th, use this invitation link to join!